Help Exposing The Dry Rot In The Foundation Of My House
[ Wednesday August 23rd 2023 at 3:31 pm ]
Andy has been to visit! He is a friend I've had since 2006. We spent some time catching up. Then he helped me start a house repair. There is some dry rot in the foundation of my home where the sidewalk was poured directly beside the foundation. He spent time sledge hammering the concrete sidewalk so the dry rot could be exposed. This wasn't hard work. The concrete was thin enough that it easily broke up. I am not yet sure what I am going to do for a permanent repair. This will let me patch the hole and decide about this in 2024. I am really needing to get the upper hand on my health care treatment first. Then I will become much easier making decisions about the rest of my life. I am needing my physical disability to be stable first. I am very grateful for the help today. There are a handful of things I need help with. This is one of these times.