Assessment By Orthotist For Knee Braces
[ Monday July 24th 2023 at 2:15 pm ]
My appointment went very well. I don't always feel positive about appointments or have concerns about my physical disability. What made today's appointment special is that the orthotist asked me how my goals were going. In 2022 I had talked about pursuing self employment and that I really wanted this to work. The orthotist told me this was important to him that I be able to accomplish this. It means so much to me that this specialist is invested in me accomplishing what I am aiming for.
I sent the bracing clinic a long detailed e-mail when I asked for the appointment. I summarized the setbacks my right knee experienced over the past 18 months. Then I relayed what my pain specialist doctor wanted to happen. What this summary does is cuts through a bunch of questions the orthotist would otherwise need to ask in building up a picture in his mind of what is going on (medically speaking) with my knee joints. This allows a lot more to be accomplished during an appointment. This represents me having the best possible prospects for my life.
A crucial focus of today's appointment was to determine if any remaining bracing option existed for me. I was pleasantly surprised. The orthotist accessed a catalogue of just knee braces. I didn't realize so many styles exist. Based on the e-mail I sent when asking for the appointment the orthotist was looking for a specific model. The orthotist took the time needed to explain why others weren't appropriate for my knees and his reasoning of why he thinks this is the most appropriate for me. His reasoning is sound.
The next two steps rely on the bracing clinic's administrative assistant:
- The first is that the brace being recommended requires my pain management doctor's approval and a prescription since the knee brace is a medical device. I acted proactively for this to be addressed. I knew this was going to be required from my 2022 appointments with the bracing clinic. Yesterday I wrote out a consent for my pain management doctor to communicate with the bracing clinic concerning me. The bracing clinic is located on the same campus as my pain management doctor. Before my appointment today I hand delivered my consent form to reception. This was a pleasant surprise to the bracing clinic. Being proactive helps them to understand that I am invested in this being successful if it is possible. I really appreciate the specialists who not only help with my medical treatment but also believe in me as a person and want me to be successful in my life.
- The second step concerns funding the braces being recommended from today. The bill is $312 CAD. My disability benefits paid for the brace that was prescribed in 2022. I wanted to articulate to my disability case worker the reason for this and what evolved with my health care that required a replacement knee brace after just 18 months. The bracing clinic has e-mailed a copy of the invoice to me. When I arrive home I'll using my disability account login to submit the estimate directly to my disability case worker. My case worker is very responsive. I expect I will know tomorrow. If I don't get approved I will use inheritance money from when my dad died to cover this expense. It is money well used. With me indicating I am willing to pay for this the brace will be ordered as soon as they have a prescription from my pain management specialist.
In addition to the above I also asked the orthotist to explain to me about prosthetic legs. It is far from ideal and isn't guaranteed to be successful. I have a working knowledge about them and how they impact quality of life for the person requiring this. I am backed into a corner concerning my knees in the same way I was with my hip joints. If I can measure that my quality of life would improve on account of prosthetic legs I would seriously consider this. I am still invested in my life. I haven't lost my will or desire to life my life. I am not passive in letting life pass me buy. If it comes to it I would accept having my legs amputated. The way my knees are impacting me at present isn't sustainable. Something needs to give.
Today has gone very well. The appointment went so much better compared to what I had expected. I am pleased. I am essentially exhausting the bracing option by this process. Knee bracing is the only justifiable excuse a surgeon could use in not offering me knee replacement surgery at this point. I have tried virtually every other intervention possible.