Requested Innocent Ommission To My Patient Chart Be Corrected
[ Monday July 17th 2023 at 10:48 pm ]
In my November 2022 pain specialist appointment the doctor prescribed a pain management gel that is applied directly to the area that is the source of the pain. For me this was to be used on my knee joints above the joint line. This was especially helpful in keeping me comfortable during the MRI imaging session of my right knee joint on November 30th 2022. During the appointment with my family doctor earlier today I was told the details of this prescription weren't included in the consultation notes from this appointment with my pain specialist doctor. I am sure this was an honest mistake. I have just sent an e-mail requesting this be added to my patient chart by him and then a copy of this be sent to my family doctor. I have included details of how this medication affected me so it is available for future reference.
I try to be responsible with my use of medication. I care that my patient chart is accurate. I really wish the Government of Ontario Canada would provide a frame work so there would be only one comprehensive patient chart for each patient instead of each health care facility have their own separate patient charts. It is too easy for honest mistakes and breakdown in communications to occur. If this had been the case this detail could have been detected in the following appointment I had with my family doctor.