An Update On The Plans To Attend My Nephew's Wedding
[ Tuesday June 20th 2023 at 10:59 am ]
I have been corresponding with a social worker from St. Mary's Ontario Canada. My nephew is getting married at a wedding venue near there. The reason I reached out to the social worker was to tap into her local knowledge and figure out what is available to support my needs related to using a power wheelchair and the logistics in order to attend my nephew's wedding.
The social workers initial thought was something I had taken for granted: It is 2023. I had assumed the wedding venue would be wheelchair accessible. This only made sense to me. Making the facility wheelchair compatible would overlap in supporting seniors, the use of a baby carrier on wheels and individuals who may be recovering from a broken bone. It isn't.
The social worker would like me to file a human rights complaint with the Province of Ontario Canada. I would like to do so. But I have serious this would prevail. The reason is that the Federal Government of Canada has released a goal of accessibility for 2027. Typically federal statues supersede the provinces. I am afraid making a complaint is putting time and energy into a lost cause. I don't have spare time to give away right now. The past few months have been really challenging. I am wanting to make progress on my goals. This is instead of taking on something else.
I am not sure how I feel about this. If I did attend the wedding I am afraid I would be spending the better part of 3 weeks physically recovering. I don't want to wreck myself even more. My sister seems glad I was willing to consider this. I think it is best that I offer to watch the wedding if they are willing to stream it. Alternatively looking at photos while my nephew and his wife tell me about it their day would also be special.