Sent An E-Mail To Assess If It Is Viable To Attend My Nephew's Wedding
[ Tuesday June 6th 2023 at 5:52 pm ]
My nephew is being married in August. The wedding is about 6½ hours from my home. I am trying to assess the viability of being able to travel to the wedding, what I'd need to physically rebound from the travel, what it would take for me to attend the wedding, the physical recovery from the wedding as an activity and getting myself back home again. The most viable means of travel would be by train. The nearest train station to the wedding venue is in a village of approximately 7,500 people. A small village has it's own set of logistical challenges in managing my physical needs and proximity to a para-transit vehicle that could transport me using my power wheelchair to the wedding venue. This village has a community outreach worker within the city administration. I have sent her a detailed e-mail with the questions I need answered so I am able to make an informed decision:
- Is there wheelchair accessible transportation available in the evening that could take me to a hotel?
- Do you have any hotels or motels that have rooms designed for use with a power wheelchair?
- If this just absolutely went horribly wrong for me what is the nearest hospital with an emergency department?
- Since my travel would span several days to recover between the travel and the wedding what is available for grocery stores and restaurants?
- Do you have local knowledge that you could tell me what wheelchair accessible service will be available on a Sunday to transport me using my power wheelchair to the wedding venue and back to a hotel or motel again that evening?
This is the thought process I go through to assess travel and a vacation. I've posted this to help others have the best quality of life possible.