Purchased Groceries
[ Wednesday April 19th 2023 at 8:44 pm ]
Before this evenings grief support group sessions I had decided I was going to buy a few groceries when it finished. I wasn't too worried about being emotionally flooded by grief at the end of tonight's group. This did give me something to focus on if it happened to me. The store where I needed to go is near my home. This has given me some time to think while I was shopping. I am so glad I have this opportunity. I wish I had pursued this a few months after my mom had died from cancer just as I was trying to head into my adult life. I am finding it really helpful.
In practical terms I have purchased some fresh grapes and apples. I can't wait to offer Rocky The Hamster these as a treat. I love him so much. I enjoy caring for him. Each night I've been giving Rocky some fresh fruit when he wake up. I cut them into the size of a corn kernel. Rocky only takes what he needs. If I give him too much he discards what he doesn't eat. I am not worried about him gorging himself to death.
I also need to put some anti-bacterial medication on his abscess to help him through this time. I can tell from his body language that he doesn't like this. There is a bond between him and I. He stands still for me to do this. He is very special. I am glad Rocky is here with me.