Changed Rocky's Shavings
[ Tuesday February 28th 2023 at 11:18 pm ]
Tonight I finished changing Rocky The Hamster's shavings. I changed all but the area where he sleeps 3 days ago. Just now I changed the shavings in his sleeping area. This also includes Rocky's pantry and the empty sunflower seed shells he has consumed.
Rocky struggled at the start. When a hamster walks to a corner, turns to face it and doesn't move they are overwhelmed. I paused changed the shavings to hold and cuddle Rocky. Then I was able to continue. This happened a few months ago. At the time Rocky was paralyzed for about 90 seconds. It took another 5 minutes of holding him to assure him everything would be fine. Rocky rebound much quicker this time. It seems Rocky just needed to know I was near by.
I don't use a feed bowl with Rocky. He enjoys foraging for his food. In reality Rocky eats about ⅓ of the food I put in his cage. The rest he gathers up and sorts through. Sunflower seeds are given their own pile. There is a second pile that seems to be for eating and a third pile that is the emergency rations if I don't provide him with more food. I want Rocky to have his best life possible. He enjoys hunting for his food. It is great to see that he is doing good taking care of himself.