An Intake Appointment For My Foot Care
[ Friday February 24th 2023 at 1:27 pm ]
I just had a very interesting phone call. When I was at the doctors office last I asked if they still performed foot care. I was told about this in 2020. The reason I asked now is because when I cut my toe nails myself I am writing off the following 2 days. I just can't take the pain in my knees. I can't really bend how it is necessary to do this myself because of tears within my knee joints. It also does a number on my hips. I am living by myself. I can't ask someone to do this for me. I would like to know if they would be able to do this for me and make my life easier. The staff podiatrist just called me for an intake appointment. The appointment will be in 3 weeks from now. I have an hour intake appointment. The doctor office is 2 blocks from my home. This seems viable where I could be home again shortly after my appointment.