Continued Progress On The Curtains
[ Sunday January 29th 2023 at 3:39 pm ]
I have made more progress on my black out curtains today. I have started sewing curtains #1 and #2. I have added the inserts (what blocks out the sun light) while I am sleeping. Both curtains still need the final seam and grommets added to them. I am really pleased with what I've been able to accomplish over the past 2 days. I have a viable plan for making the complete set. It is now only a matter of listening to my body and working on this when it won't overload my legs.
The most rewarding part of this was showing my friends the progress I've made. I have intentionally selected nature scenes. Each curtain will have a different scene. I am wrapping the nature scene so it will be visible outside my home. I want to share the beauty of this to the people walking past my home. I often go down to the waters edge and the trails when my physical disability has flared up. This will help me feel the peace and beauty of God's creation when I am having a bad day with my legs.