Delivery Of Feet For Pattern Plywood Products I Hope To Make
[ Monday July 4th 2022 at 11:32 am ]
Another one of my purchases have just arrived. In fact I believe this is the last one I am waiting upon in terms of starting to earn money with some woodworking. (Although there are still a few building material supplies I will require to complete the shed renovations for year round usage.) I ordered a supply of rubber feet. I am thinking of trying to make some cutting boards. These will be screwed to the underside. I want to try. The "pros" outweigh the "cons" in doing so. I think this is still a small enough project that won't interfere with my hips and knees. I found these rubber feet for sale online from an Asian country. They are much less expensive than buying here in Canada. This is a chance to get started and help offset the money I have put into the shed renovation. I am hopeful.