Took Some Nature Photos At The Bay Of Quinte
[ Monday June 20th 2022 at 7:30 pm ]
I've had a really enjoyable time this evening. I went down to the Bay of Quinte and took photos. I am really glad I did this. It was nice getting out. I have some photos to share. It is such a beautiful time of year as the plants are in bloom.
My legs weren't bothering me as I drove my power wheelchair on the biking paths. These are asphalt paths. They don't have expansion joins unlike poured concrete sidewalks. I wasn't jostled around. I've stopped at a store on the way home to buy a pizza. I'll have this for my supper.
I don't always get out. I am not always up to doing so. But when I do I am really glad I've done so. It has been a really wonderful outing.