Fantastic Progress Painting The Laser Engraver Vent Hood
[ Saturday June 11th 2022 at 8:35 pm ]
The vent hood painting ("plan B") is coming along really nice. I have the base coat of paint on. This is latex and dried. Then I got started on the textured rock finish. It is going to look really sharp. I've been filming myself as I work on the painting. I will be posting a time lapse of this once all the painting is completed. I am expecting there to be 2 or 3 thin layers of the texture paint to apply and likely 4 thin layers of the clear coat remaining. It is a full day of painting. This is going to look really sharp when completed. I am going to all this effort because I'll be included the vent hood in streaming videos of the laser engraver running. It should be nice for my viewers. I am pleased with progress.