A Friend Is Available Friday After Work To Change My Table Saw Blade
[ Wednesday June 1st 2022 at 8:52 am ]
One of my friends just got back to me. He is available Friday after he finishes work. He is going to help me by changing the blade on my table saw. I can't do this myself. The bending over my table saw is too physically challenging for me. It would take me 3 to 4 days of uncontrollable pain to recover. I just can't do this to myself. This friend is doing me a huge favour.
What I am working towards is setting up my picture frame table saw sled. I first need the new blade installed. Then I will be able to secure the sled I'm creating to the table saw tracks. I am going to use drawer slides. This particular sled will be physically secured to the table saw. The overall idea is that I am accommodating for my physical disability. This all comes down to the mechanics of how I am able to bend, lean and reach on account of my physical disability. What I am setting up could have been designed by an occupational therapist.
Overall the process is going really well. I am pleased. Typically this would be a 2 day job to create the sled and attach it to the table saw. I'm doing all this because of my physical disability. I am trying to establish a part time income that isn't structured to time of day, number of hours that is required at once and has a passive component to this. The idea is that I will be able to create a supply of picture frames ahead of time to finish off the pieces my laser engraver creates. I am really hoping I will be able to generate the cash flow needed to hire some help and make my life easier considering the challenges my legs create for me. I am hopeful.