Applied Wood Fillter To My Laser Engraver Vent Hood
[ Saturday May 28th 2022 at 3:20 pm ]
I spent time this afternoon filling in imperfections in the 2" x 2" wood I am using to create a vent hood. I am reasonably pleased with progress. Since the vent hood is a 3D rectangle I was able to avoid bending and reaching in painful ways. The process went well. I am hopeful for the possibilities the laser engraver creates for my life. The increased cash flow will be really helpful given my disability pension not having a cost of living increase for several years. Specifically I would really like to be able to hire a house cleaning. Cleaning is not compatible with what is wrong with my legs. I am not beyond / above doing this myself. It is simply too physically challenging. Also my home requires some maintenance. I think this may help pay for it. Overall this seems very promising. It has been really fantastic seeing this coming together. I am finding this very encouraging.