Ordered 4 IV Dripping Tubes For Wall Gardening
[ Friday March 25th 2022 at 11:17 pm ]
I watched a really interesting wall gardening video. It showed someone growing plants in a way that I believe is friendly to my physical disability. It showed the plans being grown out of the bags of potting soil once drainage holes are added to the bottom of the bag and a circle hole is cut in the top for the plant to grow out of. The really innovative part is the use IV fluid dispenser for watering the plants. This allows the reservoirs holding the water to be located off the ground. Water is able to be added without bending. The plants use a net (similar in nature to a volleyball net) for supporting the plants as they grow taller. This seems like an innovative method for growing plants. I've decided to give this a try. I've ordered 4 sets of a basic IV administrative set. This dispenses 15mL of water per hour. I will purchase a food grade bucket from the local Home Depot to be my water reservoir. I will make a platform to hold the bucket. I think 4 is a good number to try with. Then see how it goes. If it turns out okay for me then I can expand in 2023. I am excited to try this. I am always so pleased when I get out of the house. I am always so glad when I've put in the effort to do something. I think this is positive. In the off chance this doesn't work out I still feel that I am better for having tried.