The Hip X-Ray From March 5th 2022 Are Ready To Add To Long Term Repository
[ Wednesday March 16th 2022 at 10:51 am ]
There is a long term image repository I have my numerous x-ray, ultrasound and MRI imaging stored in. I have received the prompt that my x-ray imaging from my visit to the emergency department of my local hospital on March 5th 2022 is now available. I am glad these are now saved in my Pocket Health account. The local hospital is allowed to purge the images after 10 years. This imaging repository is helpful for my chronic condition in providing the ability to compare images. This also helps me provide a narrative of what was happening when each set of images were attained. I am able to associate the different dates with the various images of my joints. This is a very helpful tool with a nominal fee for the service provided.