Purchased A Used Table Saw For My Self Employment Pursuit
[ Sunday December 19th 2021 at 4:12 pm ]
Today I took the next step towards getting my laser engraver up and running. I have purchased a used table saw. One of my friends has graciously took me to pick this up. We had to travel to the next village over. I found this listed in the Facebook Marketplace. I am very hopeful this will work. It is only an entry level table saw. This is all I need. I've been watching various videos on youTube that show how to make picture frames. The videos that make the most sense to me while accommodating my physical disability are the style that use a sled when making picture frames. I think the physical movements involved won't overload my legs. I am thinking to use ΒΌ" plywood for etching the photos onto. Then a picture frame will be used to finish the piece off. I will just need to purchase a biscuit joiner and then I should have all the tools needed to go forward with my plans.
I am still about 6 weeks out from giving the time needed to get this up and running. The laser engraver is back on my "to do" list. I am needing to raise about $8,000 using the laser engraver in 2022. This is for a chair lift to make the upstairs of my home easily accessible to me. I figure I am months away from not being able to get up there for the occasional really warm soak in the tub for helping manage my physical disability. This would also help break the grid lock on the main floor of my home. If I had a chair lift I could once again sleep in an actual bedroom instead of in my dining room. I've just been trying to make do. I would like more to my life. Sleeping in a bedroom again and how this will help the layout on the main floor of my home should make my life easier. I am trying really hard to do what I have control over to help myself.