Discussion With Pain Medical Clinic Complaint Department
[ Thursday August 26th 2021 at 2:18 pm ]
I have reached out to the complaint department at the pain clinic I attend. The doctor who treated me acted inappropriately during my previous appointment. I want to switch to another doctor. I am going to pursue this matter with Ontario's College of Physicians and Surgeons. I have been in medical treatment much of my life. The orthopaedic surgeons have repeatedly said to me that I was their patient and if I had any concerns I was to follow up directly with their administrative assistant. I had 2 concerns following my recent injection by this doctor. He accused me of occupying 40% of his staff time. In a 5 day work week his accusation of me is that 2 days a week was spent solely addressing my concerning and his staff did not interact with any other patients on this days. My appointment was six weeks apart. In total he is claiming that his staff spent 12 full business days responding to me. In reality they would have spent (at most) 20 minutes. This isn't to mention that this doctor has privileges at the hospital where I underwent my 2 most recent surgeries. He is not following in alignment with the orthopaedic community and in fact is blaming me. I find his actions to be that of a bully. This is the reason why I will be pursuing this with the governing body.