Mobility Scooter Trailer LED Lighting Completed
[ Saturday March 27th 2021 at 11:30 am ]
I have just completed the wiring for my mobility scooter trailer LED lighting. I had to re-do 6 connections. I had originally crimped these and used spade connectors. One of the crimped failed. I've changed these over to electrical solder connections with heat shrink tubing. It was a very difficult task since I had already trimmed wires to length and the fact that heat would cause the plastic junction box to deform. But I was able to do it and it has gone well.
I have a bit more electrical wiring to do in the coming weeks. The next step is adding a trailer hitch harness to my power wheelchair. I am going to incorporate a 12 volt DC turn sign relay. The wiring will cause the red LED light bar to flash when the trailer is connected to my power wheelchair. I've ordered the parts. I just need to purchase the turn signal relay locally. I find electrical wiring easy. This should not be more than 2 hours of work.