Physiotherapy Client Satisfaction Survey
[ Thursday March 2nd 2017 at 11:21 am ]
In yesterday's mail was a request that I complete a client satisfaction survey for the physiotherapy clinic which helped me between November 10th 2016 and February 3rd 2017. I've just completed their survey and am going to mail it on my way to drop off some worn out electronics equipment to hazardous waste later today.
My pragmatic view of Ontario Canada's socially funded physiotherapy is very poor. At present what is covered is only a home exercise program. I experienced setbacks while doing my exercises after each physiotherapy session. Going back to the physiotherapist for numerous appointments to work through the setbacks wasn't an option. I think this is unethical. I've articulated this and the constant set challenges doing physiotherapy this was caused me to experience.
I don't want to be misunderstood. The physiotherapist was fantastic. But my overall assessment is that my mobility rapidly deteriorated because I didn't have coverage for the physiotherapist to watch me doing my exercises 2 - 3 times each week. It is a challenge to take the few steps needed to get to the toilet now. The only 'silver lining' in this is new imaging is being conducted to determine the state of the soft tissues in my right knee joint.