Delivery Of Muscle Massager
[ Thursday October 22nd 2020 at 7:30 pm ]
The muscle massager I ordered has been delivered. I am using this as a strategy to help reduce muscle pain in my legs in the context of my physical disability. The hope is to reduce muscle pain. If I am in less pain I'll be more functional.
There is a bit of a warning I need to give others who might consider this strategy. If you are using medications for pain your body is dulled to warning you if you are too aggressive with a massager. This should be something talked over with a member of your health care team and even demonstrate what you should do.
When you can't sense pain as a warning of doing something harmful alternative strategies are available. Two key ones are the length of time you use the device, what massager attachment you select and what massaging pattern is selected. With wisdom you can work around not sensing pain in a normal fashion. Additional bruising and redness are warnings of skin irritation and should be discussed with a member of your health care team.