Photo Pickup For Supporting Aunt Going Through Cancer Treatment
[ Wednesday October 7th 2020 at 5:06 pm ]
My aunt is going through chemotherapy treatment. I was thinking of how I could support her. I ordered 109 of my nature photos to be made into 4" x 6" prints by WalMart's photo center. They are now ready for pick up. This means I may proceed with the rest of my plan.
I am going to find motivational or inspirational questions from famous people and put them onto 2" x 4" address labels. Then I will put one on the front side and a different one on the back side of each envelope for my aunt to read. Then inside each envelope will be a photo.
I am hoping this will help keep her motivated and encouraged while going through her various chemotherapy treatments. I remember something similar being done for me when I was 5 years old and had my major hip reconstructive surgery for Legg Perthes disease. Someone in the community gave my mom a handheld game a week for me to play while I was in a body cast recovering.