Yard Drainage Digging Is Completed
[ Thursday July 16th 2020 at 4:24 pm ]
The digging is now complete for my yard drainage. It has been a lot harder work than I was expecting. I am glad this is completed. Essentially casting a concrete yard drain and filling in the center area with drainage gravel is what remains.
We made an amazing discovery while finishing the digging today. The exact position I selected for the yard drain is where a well existed on this property before being hooked up to city water. At the depth I selected is the footings of a well. It is just amazing. We also found antique bottles buried. One of them is worth $20.
It has been a very interesting journey so far. I find learning just as interesting as the doing. Most importantly I have confidence this will be completed for the coming winter and be in place for the spring snow melt. I will be so glad to have my French drain protecting my property from water pooling while the ground is still frozen and flooding on my property.