Ordered My First Drone
[ Sunday June 14th 2020 at 12:30 am ]
Today is a big day. I have ordered my first drone. I passed Canada's basic drone operators exam in April 2020. I have spent time over the past 2 months sorting through the practical part of flying. I wanted to be thorough and methodical. I don't take it lightly being in control of an unmanned aerial vehicle. I want to keep myself and others safe.
I have decided to start with a very inexpensive drone. What I've selected doesn't require my drone pilot certification. It is a drone weighing less than 250 grams. I want to start with a learning drone. I want to use a drone that if I damage it during a crash it won't bother me. I've spent an enormous time researching drones. It is obvious the type of drone I'm looking for will cost in excess of $1,500. There is no way I want to start with a drone of this value.
Additionally my home is at the edge of Canadian Forces Base Trenton "Class D" air space. I am limited to flying drones weighing under 250 grams while at home. I am going to want to have an ultralight drone. Certainly as I go through my medical treatment it will be the most practical to fly at home on days when I don't want to travel as part of the drone flying.
I am just hoping I'll make some contacts to others in the hobby. I've joined a Facebook group for drone pilots in Ontario Canada. I've also started a drone pilots group for the city where I live. I hope this presents networking opportunities.