Attended A Conference For Strategies To Improve Workforce Participation
[ Tuesday January 21st 2020 at 10:37 am ]
I've had a very interesting morning. Even better it was a profitable morning. I've attended a local conference focused on helping improve the workforce participation. In common every day English this amounted to sitting through a presentation of statistics and results of interviews of where people are at in pursing employment and the obstacles they encounter.
I am ever glad I went. I've had a bunch more ideas for my weekly tips during the presentation. I share a weekly tip for those living with chronic pain, low income and physical disability
. While the presentation was heavily focused on the problem I was working out what the solution I'd take if I was in the given situation. I'm able to double the content I present have. I am very excited to see how this helps people.I only post 1 tip each week for people who use these. The reason is to give people time needed to start making changes to how they live their life when a tip applies to them. I've offered all my content to the conference presenters. I am hoping this will help spur on the strategies brain storming session. In turn this will help effect policy and hopefully reach those who are at financial risk.