Weather Station Sensor Low Voltage Wire In Place For Winter
[ Friday November 29th 2019 at 1:58 pm ]
I've just completed the steps to power my weather station sensor with the electrical grid. This is opposed to using pairs of AA batteries. The issue at hand preceding this step has been the cold weather killing off the batteries each day. When you are dealing with the weather the inconsistency isn't helpful. In very practical terms I can't physically manage changing the batteries each day. It has proven way too hard on my leg joints.
The low voltage wire going between the power distribution junction box I created and my shed is in place and protected by ¾" PVC conduit for the winter months. Of course this will need to be buried in the spring. But for now it is a huge load off my mind. I am expecting the weather station data to now be consistent. With all the effort that has gone into setting this up I am very pleased and have a sense of accomplishment.