Left Local Hospital A Detailed Phone Message
[ Monday August 19th 2019 at 5:09 pm ]
I left a detailed phone message with my local hospital rehabilitation services as a follow up to my orthopedic assessment his morning. But as it turns out the information on their web site is out of date and the program I was inquiring about is no longer available.
As I've had more time to think my gut instinct is to cease pursuing a recovery. I trust this assessment. It is simply way to risky for similar reasons as the surgeon today not wanting to operate on me at this time. The surgeon was very concerned knee surgery at this point would set a downward spiral into motion and prevent me from recovering. Instead the surgeon was recommending a repeat of the physiotherapy I engaged in between 2015 and 2018. During these 3 years I was repeatedly hurting myself and as this time progress I was barely living my day to day life.
Instead getting my day to day life under control and my finances on track is what matters to me. I am still going to be living with pain and enormous physical challenges. But I assess this is what is best for me. Most importantly I am ok living with this. I will not be returning to this surgeon for any further follow up.