Long Discussion About Audio And Server Cabinets
[ Friday August 2nd 2019 at 8:25 pm ]
I've had a very helpful discussion with a local Home Depot employee this evening. I am trying to sort through how to setup and store my computer servers and my audio recording equipment. One of the options I was considering was the use of pre-fabricated kitchen cabinets for this. The idea being that this would speed up the process of assembly and completion. However it has become very clear the wood in the pre-fabricated cabinets don't meet my needs and a custom cabinet is warranted.
I am glad to have settled in my mind a clear path forward. I will continue with my drawings and assess what custom setup will serve me the best. Ultimately this is in pursuit of self employment. I am trying very hard to help myself. I've become intentional about my decision making. I am trying to balance the needs of my body, pain created, when to ask for help and the affect this has on the timing of risky medical treatment. It is a complicated decision making progress. But this is something I am comfortable doing. When I don't have enough information I start asking questions so I am able to make a decision.