GPS Tracking Insoles
[ Thursday May 30th 2019 at 12:23 am ]
I've been really impressed with a new product on the market. It is GPS tracking insoles. This gets put into the shoes of a person likely to wander or become lost. The person is able to be tracked while wearing their shoes.
Why this matters to me is of a friend I spoke to a few days ago. Her mom has a severe case of Alzheimer's disease. She is worried her mom will wonder off, become lost and die. Her concern with this is grounded in reality. I think these insoles are a brilliant idea that preserves a persons dignity.
The main reason I am adding this to my blog is because of the extreme wait times for a nursing home bed. Inevitably a family member is going to need to care for their parent. Typically a nursing home would have a locked ward for those patients who wonder due to their illness or diagnosis. I can see someone turning to the Internet for help in managing this.
I am not paid by the company for sharing their link. I am simply doing this because of the compassion I have from my own experience in the health care system. You have to be your own advocate. You need to be assertive.