Hamster Cage Delivery
[ Thursday May 16th 2019 at 9:37 am ]
The hamster cage I ordered has been delivered. I now have feed, shavings and a cage. I am hoping to do a bit more cleaning, setup a place for a pet hamster then go buy this at the local pet store.
A pet is recommended form those living with chronic conditions. It isn't practical to think I am able to care for a cat or a dog. I physically can't do it. The challenges I have wouldn't provide for a healthy life style.
In contrast a hamster is able to take care of itself if I am needing to rest. Most importantly when I am hospitalized for orthopedic surgery it may easily be re-homed. A hamster is a 2 - 3 year commitment. Then I will re-evaluate my circumstances and see what is the best match when a hamster dies.