Ordered A Tablet As A UTC Clock With NTP Protocol
[ Saturday May 4th 2019 at 12:06 pm ]
I run my servers on UTC time. The reason I do this is because of the global nature of the Internet. When I am programming I have to think in UTC time. For example date - time fields in the database are set to UTC.
Over the past few days I've been looking for a UTC clock with NTP (network time protocol). I am just amazed at the expense of these dedicated units. What I've decided on instead is using a Tablet and an existing clock app that displays the clock on the vast majority of the screen. Android has the capacity to execute network time protocol.
I expect this will be very handy when programming and performing quality assurance testing on my cron jobs. When I am programming cron jobs I target them to run at the next minute. Overall I expect it will be easier to have a dedicated clock with UTC time. Network time protocol will keep it in sync. I'm using a tablet that has sufficient memory and storage that I could be used for other purchased. In doing so this purchase is future proof.