Inquired About Hamster Sitting
[ Thursday April 25th 2019 at 10:14 pm ]
I am wanting to get a pet hamster. I've been thinking about this for the better part of 2 years. I've been in the mode / mindset of "wait and see". I didn't want to act quickly without having confidence that I could take care of a pet and knowing what a suitable pet is given my physical limits and chronic pain.
I am satisfied a pet hamster is within my financial means, physical means and is able to have alternate housing arranged if I am hospitalized for more medical treatment. I've sent an e-mail to someone in the community who is supportive of me to inquire if she would care for a hamster for a few days if I am unable.
Once I have confidence this is do-able I will be ready to proceed. I am being thorough in my planning. Any surgical intervention requires communication to the hospital pre-screening unit for how a pet will be cared for. I certainly don't want a pet to prevent me from receiving helpful treatment.