My Furnace Is Dying
[ Thursday January 3rd 2019 at 7:23 pm ]
The sales employee has responded to my e-mail. I am very impressed. It is outside of business hours. I can tell he cares.
The sound I am hearing is a major repair. It is recommended to buy a new furnace. The concern expressed to me is a waste of money in something that will continue to need repairing going forward. If I don't have the financial means for a new furnace the sale agent has offered me their furnace rental option.
There is a different perspective to take into consideration the sales agent didn't present to me. The furnace is depreciating at a rate of $30 a month. I am going to experience a similar depreciation rate in a new furnace. If I want to do a repair I need to have reasonable confidence that the repair will give the furnace 2 additional years of service. I will need to think about what I want to do.