Added Clear Coat UV Protection To The Stereo System Soon To Be On My Power Wheelchair
[ Friday November 3rd 2017 at 3:30 pm ]
I've started applying the UV protective coating to the stereo speakers for my power wheelchair stereo. I was hoping to mount the stereo speakers this evening. I've just discovered the holes I am using in the base of my wheelchair to mount these speakers is a size smaller than the bolts - washers - nuts I currently have for this purpose. Prior to attending the pool this evening I will buy a new set. I will need paint them so they won't rust or seize due to the salt, sand and grit my wheelchair encounters as I go to the pool each week night. It is going to be a few days before I will be able to complete the task.
I am a bit disappointed. It isn't that I want to rush a project. I was hoping to finish this off during the coming weekend. Over the past few weeks I've started 4 projects. What has prevented me from completing these is giving adequate time for coats of paint and epoxy curing as I complete each step. However over the next 2 weeks I expect I can complete my current projects.