Did Some More Tidying
[ Sunday September 1st 2024 at 3:31 pm ]
I am starting to tackle tidying up under my bed. I am not able to do more than 10 minutes right now. But if I am faithful I should be able to have this completed over the course of a week. I am surprised with the number of socks I am discovering that fell down. I was wondering where all my socks got to. I will need to do a load of laundry with these.
I have also made a nice discovery. I have found one of the batteries for my DSLR camera under there. I am happy I found this. I had been wondering where I misplaced it. I enjoy nature photography and going down to the water. This helps me so much when I am experiencing intense pain with my hips and knees. This gives me the ability to stay out longer when the initial battery I am using runs out of power and needs to be recharged.