September 2018 Newsletter Edition
I've had a quiet month. I've needed a lot of time to rest and recover following the very poor reaction my body had to the routine tetanus immunization. I've arranged proper recognition for the emergency department nurse who provided the majority of the care. I always acknowledge those who have gone out of their way to assist me.
As my energy returned I attended an appointment at the bank. I've made another lump sum payment to my mortgage. I am looking forward to paying off my home in 2019. The inheritance has arrived at a time in my life when I've really needed the cash flow. In addition to paying off my home I'll have the financial means to buy the tools needed for pursing self employment.
I decided to try something different this month. I attended adult coloring. In part this is a social activity. The people attending casually talked during this. I appreciated the social activity. I actually found the coloring enjoyable. What was different about this compared to coloring as a child. The pictures are finer. There are a wide variety available. The pictures are rated in the spaces and the sizes needing coloring. The nice part about this is a healthy distraction from what else is going on in life. Certainly this is a healthy outlet. I didn't feel frustrated when today's session finished. It was worth attending.
I've received help with my deep house cleaning. I am glad to make progress. I am finding it really rewarding going through what I own, organizing it and donating what is no longer part of my life. It is great sorting through what is a part of my life now and when completed being able to move onto my life for what is next.