My Friend Has Purchased My Hair Dryer For My Legs
[ Wednesday April 24th 2024 at 11:22 am ]
My friend Joe just sent me a message that has made my day. He has stopped into WalMart to do a chore for me. I asked him to purchase a hair dryer for me. Now that I have figured out the pattern to my artificial hip malfunctioning I can start to develop strategies to manage my life. This hair dryer is one of the solutions I have come up with. When I bend in a specific way it causes my left artificial hip to malfunction. The problem I am solving with the hair dryer is how to dry my legs off without triggering my left artificial hip to malfunction by bending the wrong way. I think the hair dryer should help me dry off after really warm soaks in the tub. The warm water helps each the pain in my legs. This is very helpful. I can't finish using the tub and then have my damn artificial hip malfunction on me. I love life. I am trying my personal best. I don't have much more to offer life. I am already "all in" and trying my best. I am hope I am able to think of enough strategies to bring me through this time in my life.