Used The Tub To Ease My Hip Pain
[ Sunday April 21st 2024 at 8:22 pm ]
I have just finished using the tub. I had a nice long and hot soak. I used Epsom Bath Salts to help the muscles in my legs. It has indeed helped. Even though I waited 20 minutes before getting into the tub giving my left artificial hip time to settle it wasn't enough. The trauma to the hip from physically getting into the tub was easy to identify. If I want to continue using the tub to ease the pain from my left artificial hip malfunctioning I am going to need to bring something to do with me to the bathroom that will pass about an hour before I physically get into the tub. The artificial hip needs this much time to recover. Also the warm water is helping ease my other artificial hip muscles from being so tense. This is happening because the hip isn't being used enough. But I can't divorce what is happening to the artificial hip that is malfunctioning from the other side. There isn't a physiotherapy solution to this. I have some more thinking to do. It might just be possible to continue using the tub for the relief it gives me.