Submitted My 2023 Ontario Disability Support Program Property Tax Rebate For 2023
[ Saturday April 29th 2023 at 2:29 am ]
The city where I live offers a property tax rebate for those individuals receiving the disability benefits from the Province of Ontario who are home owners. I have to apply for this each year and include the current benefit statement. I just applied for this in 2023. Based on past years I know I will be approved. This benefit is equal to 25% of my annual property tax bill. It honestly makes a difference. The way things work in Canada is that there are several "pockets" of money I receive benefits from. My budget is quite tight. I am trying my best to help myself and do what I have control over to improve my circumstances. I wouldn't choose the life I have. But considering the experimental nature of the treatment for my Legg Perthes disease and the significant complications this has created in every one of my leg joints I am trying my personal best.