Serious Setback With My Right Knee joint
[ Thursday July 27th 2017 at 6:46 pm ]
I dress myself sitting down. Then for my boxer shorts, shorts and jogging pants I stand up to finish putting them up. I've just stood up to pull up my bathing suit. As I stood up I felt a tear occur in right knee joint. I have a dose of soft tissue pain with me. i will use this. The pool will prevent swelling. I will need to follow up with my family doctor.
This isn't a surprise to me. My June 19th 2017 MRI imaging of both my knee joints documented numerous tears. However this raises several concerns. My options for what I am able to do for water based physiotherapy are becoming less. The only option after water is isometric (commonly referred to as 'static') exercises. This is going to lead to a real serious discussion with my family doctor.