Purchased A Finger Pulse And Oxygen Saturation Meter
[ Monday July 24th 2017 at 1:10 pm ]
Earlier in the week I began to cough up green phlegm. I called my family doctors office for help. I have a very special relationship with my family doctor. In part this is because I have the mental aptitude and the will to help myself. We were able to work out a diagnosis over the phone.
With my physical disability I expect to undergo 6 - 8 more surgeries during my life time. I see the decline in health care happening. The more I am able to do for myself the better.
I have mail ordered a finger pulse and oxygen saturation meter. This is going to help promote my quality of life. I will heavily rely on these tools following surgeries. If I am sick this would help me make a decision if I need to seek medical attention. In terms of a diagnosis by phone I will be able to check my stats and report them to a doctor or nurse. It is only going to help me. I have purchased these direct from China. There isn't a rush. I am committed to taking care of myself and having the best quality of life which is possible.