Delivery Of The Nylon Fasteners I Ordered For The Spot Welder Timing Controller
[ Monday April 8th 2024 at 11:34 am ]
The nylon fasteners I ordered for my spot welder timing controller have been delivered. I have made a silly mistake because of all the pain I've been experiencing on account of my left artificial hip being in hardware failure. The length of the nylon bolts that I ordered was based on how far I thought the nylon bolt needed to go into the acorn nut. I didn't think about the width of the materials they will be passing through.
A package of 100 wasn't expensive when I was willing to wait nearly 3 weeks for these to arrive from China. The cost of a stamp is nearly the same price to return them. There is no benefit to returning them. I keep a supply of metric nuts and bolts on hand. These will go into my supplies. I have just order the actual length bolt I am actually going to be using.
I am needing nylon bolts because I am working with electricity. Nylon doesn't conduct electricity. The worst that is happening to me is that my project is on hold for another 3 weeks while I wait for my new order to be delivered. On the other hand I am having so much trouble with my left artificial hip. It is hardware failure. It is so painful. I am limited in what I am able to do right now. It isn't like I would be making meaningful progress on my goals during this 3 week period. Also on April 9th I have an assessment with a surgeon concerning my artificial hip being in hardware failure. I am hoping this will move things forward in getting me help. I want to get back to living my life.