Ordered Cooling Fans For My RockPro64 Single Board Computers
[ Saturday April 6th 2024 at 1:19 pm ]
A few weeks ago my friend Andy helped me do some tidying up. This happened as he was organizing so the fish tank my pet hamster lives in could be lowered down and allow me to reach in while sitting. My website servers are on the bottom shelf. Andy put the case covers on each of the servers. I am now noticing an increase in their operating temperatures. I am not alarmed. However heat degrades electronics. I think it is cheaper to buy cooling fans than to replace SSD drives degraded by heat. I have just placed an order for each of my servers to have one. They will arrive in about two weeks. I will need to ask a friend for help installing them. I am not able to do so without experiencing extreme pain with my left artificial hip in hardware failure. The leaning and bending involved causes severe pain. I simply can't manage to complete the bar essential chores for day to day living without the severe pain bending and leaning this chore involves. I am committed to my life. But I really need help from a surgeon. My assessment is on April 9th. It honestly can't come fast enough. I am stuck. I want to be moving my life forward.