Reached Out To My Orthopedic Surgeon Because My Hip Malfunctioning Rate Increased
[ Sunday March 24th 2024 at 8:18 pm ]
My damn artificial hip has continued to malfunction. Right now it is happening at a rate of every 12 to 14 hours. I can't physically take this. I have reached the limit of my physical endurance. The muscles around my artificial hip are taking a real beating. With my left quad muscles not having an opportunity to heal between the instances of my artificial hip malfunctioning they are going rigid. Presently my activities are limited to getting my meals, sleeping, using what functional energy remains I have been putting into my website and playing silly computer games with my friends while waiting for my body to cooperate so I am able to rest more. I want more for my life. I am willing to put in the effort. But this time I need a surgeon to rescue me. I am urgently needing the help. Even though I have just couriered the letter I wrote on March 20th I have decided to send a follow up e-mail expressing the increasing urgency. My original referral was sent as urgent. For some reason I haven't been offered an appointment over the past 5 weeks. I have decided to make noise until I have an appointment out of the need for self preservation.