My Damn Left Artificial Hip Just Malfunctioned Twice
[ Monday March 11th 2024 at 5:38 pm ]
The grinding noise has happened again. This time I was leaning forward and to the right by about 15 degrees in each direction. I was standing for 90 seconds when this happened. Once again what I talked about with the surgeon who replaced my hips doesn't apply. Once again the premature hardware failure has got me. The first instance occurred while I was doing some very modest tidying. The second happened as I was preparing my evening meal. It feels like I have been sucker punched in my left outer thigh. The pain I'm experienced is very debilitating. It is really disappointing. I was planning to work on my Arduino spot welder timing controller wiring this evening. There is no way I am going to be able to work on this tonight or tomorrow. It is just too unsafe with the nature of the Arduino project involving the amount of electricity to support a spot welder.