Borrowed The Two Movie DVDs For Movie Night From The Library
[ Saturday November 25th 2023 at 2:25 pm ]
I have made it over to the city library. I didn't feel up to going on Friday because of how bad the pain was and the poor sleep I had experienced. I now have the movies for tonight's movie night on my Discord. Tonight we are going to watch Toy Story and Back To The Future. This process has been smooth. When I went to the library in October 2023 one of the staff members took the time to show me how to place a hold on their DVD's through the library website. The city library has partnered with libraries from the 2 villages near where I live. There is a seamless process the library website uses to request materials from any of the 3 libraries. The only stipulation is that I need to request the DVD's be put on hold 1 week before our movie night. I find planning and organization tasks easy. I explained this to the people who use my Discord. We choose what movie to watch as a group by voting on a list of approximately 25 movies the community are interested in. It is working well. I am so thankful for this. The Discord community has become very special and the time I spend playing while casually talking is time well spent.