Follow Up Appointment With Community Resource Officer
[ Monday October 30th 2023 at 2:20 pm ]
I just met with the Community Resource Officer at my family doctor office. I asked if there was any program that could help with someone doing the dusting in my home once a month. It isn't good news. The program I was thinking of has a minimum age requirement of 65. I am left in the position that I'd need to hire someone. It was the right decision buying a robot vacuum for day to day life in keeping the floors clean. I am not receiving enough money from my disability benefits to pay for this.
The path of least resistance seems to be getting a chair lift installed to make it easier for me to access my tub. Then seeing where I am at for needing practical help. My life has been up-ended over my knees worsening. I am needing to make my life easier. There is some possible coverage available for this.
I am hoping to use my laser engraver to earn some money. I am not done the physical setup. I was hoping to finish it off this year. But my knee worsening has up-ended the rest of my life. I am thinking this could be my fourth priority after the rest of my life is under control. This isn't great. But I had to drop something. Selecting this is the path of least resistance.