Reflecting On Rocky The Hamster After Paying For My Groceries
[ Monday October 23rd 2023 at 4:34 pm ]
I have just had something special happen. While I was waiting in line to pay for my groceries I casually talked to the customer in front of me. It was a pleasant conversation. The wait was much longer than normal today. The store is re-arranging their cash registers and self check out stations for better people flow. This helped pass the time. After I finished paying for my groceries I saw the woman in the parking lot. I told her just how much I appreciated the time we spent casually talking during the wait. She talked as she loaded her groceries into her vehicle and continued talking for another 15 minutes after this. She told me how her dog had to be euthanized 2 weeks ago at the age of 17. I was honest with her concerning Rocky's death. It was really nice talking to someone through the same thing I am right now. I don't miss Rocky near as much as when he first died. It has been a rough 2 weeks. I am glad this happened.