Purchased Betadine Solution (10% Iodine) To Treat Rocky The Hamster's Abscess
[ Friday May 5th 2023 at 4:09 pm ]
When I checked on Rocky The Hamster last night his abscess was the size of a blueberry. This means he requires the next level of treatment. I've been reading what to do for him and how to help him. Betadine Solution is used on pets when they have similar injuries. This is used in the operating room. In fact I've woke up from hip surgery with this liberally painted on the leg of the hip that was operated on. I've just purchased a bottle and will apply this to Rocky when I get home. I am concerned about him. I do enjoy caring for him. I've been enjoying being Rocky's nurse and doing my best to caring for him during this time. I am perfectly happy to do so. This hasn't been pleasant but necessary. I really hope this helps.